Rule changes announced for 2019 season

In line with the AFL Commission’s approval for 2019 Toyota AFL Season ‘Laws of the Game’ changes, AFL NSW/ACT have announced the rules that will be adopted by the 14 leagues across the state and territory.
The nine Laws of the Game changes which will apply for the AFL competition in 2019 relate to:
- Traditional playing positions at centre bounces
- Kick-in from a behind (no kick required)
- Marks/ Free Kicks within 9m of own goal
- Runners and Water Carriers
- Umpire Contact
- 50m Penalty
- Kicking for goal post-siren
- Marking contests (hands in the back rule)
- Ruck Contests (prior opportunity)
AFL NSW/ACT has considered these Laws of the Game changes and the relevant feedback provided by AFL NSW/ACT community leagues. Accordingly, AFL NSW/ACT will implement, in part, seven of the nine Laws of the Game changes across AFL NSW/ACT managed and affiliated community leagues for the 2019 season.
Details regarding the Laws of the Game changes and their application are outlined below.
A video explaining the individual rule changes and interpretations is also available here at
The two Laws of the Games changes that will not be adopted by AFL NSW/ACT are:
- Runners and water carriers: Runners and water carriers will continue to be permitted to enter the playing surface during live play. However, runners and water carriers must stay clear of play and immediately vacate the playing surface once their duty is complete. This Law change has not been adopted in consideration of the development focus of runners in junior/ youth and female football and the need for water carriers to aid hydration where there may be minimal breaks for goals in some community competitions (noting that this change will not be implemented in the AFLW competition in 2019). To avoid confusion and inconsistent application, this Law change will not be applied across all levels of community football (i.e. men’s also).
- 50-metre penalty application: The primary focus for community umpires is to effectively manage the game, whereas increasing the speed of game is a secondary consideration. This is consistent with the existing practice where a community umpire may elect not to pay advantage after a reportable offence has occurred to ensure effective management of the game
and player safety.
The following changes will be incorporated into the AFL NSW/ACT generic By-Laws to reflect these changes:
- 4.3 – 50 Metre Penalties (variation from 2019 Laws of the Game)
- (E) Players must not play on during the advancement of any 50m Penalty and must wait until the field umpire signals time back on.
- 4.6 – Traditional playing positions at Centre Bounce – Senior Men’s and Senior Women’s Competitions
- A. Players for each Team must start in traditional playing positions at centre bounces
- B. Each Team must have players starting inside both 50m arcs, with one Player inside the goal square
- C. Based on a Team’s permitted on-field playing numbers, the number of Players in each area of the field will be as follows:
- 18 per side = 6/6/6 – forwards/ 6 centres (maximum 4 in centre square)/ 6 backs
- 17 per side = 6/5/6 – 6 forwards/ 5 centres (maximum 4 in centre square)/ 6 backs
- 16 per side = 5/6/5 – 5 forwards/ 6 centres (maximum 4 in centre square)/ 5 backs
- 15 per side = 5/5/5 – 5 forwards/ 5 centre (maximum 4 in centre square)/ 5 backs
- 14 per side = 5/4/5 – 5 forwards/ 4 centres/ 5 backs
- 12.4 – Team Runner (variation from 2019 Laws of the Game)
- (E) For the avoidance of doubt, runners are permitted to enter the field at any stage throughout the Match,
however, must vacate the playing surface immediately at the conclusion of their duty.
- (E) For the avoidance of doubt, runners are permitted to enter the field at any stage throughout the Match,
- 12.5 – Trainers, Other Medical Support Staff and Water Carriers (variation from 2019 Laws of the Game)
- (B) These Officials are only permitted onto the field during play to attend to injured Players or to provide Players with water, and must not be used to deliver messages to Players. For the avoidance of doubt, these Officials may enter the field at any stage during play in a Match, however must vacate the playing surface immediately after the conclusion of their duty.
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