Join us for Movember!

Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing a health crisis, yet it’s rarely talked about. Men are dying too young. We can’t afford to stay silent.
So this November, AFL South Coast staff will be supporting the Movember Campaign to promote men’s health and we’d like our clubs to join us!
Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health and together we can make a difference.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a Mo Bro or a Mo Sista, Movember is for everyone. The AFL South Coast team are supporting the Movember Foundation because they’re tackling some of the most significant health issues faced by men (coincidentally what at least 50% of our clubs are made up of!).
Players, Coaches, Presidents, Club Members and Volunteers can all be involved and while some of us will be attempting to grow something reasonable on our upper lip it’s not necessary to grow a mo to be involved.
Make no mistake – this could get ugly (photo below is great evidence of that!)! But that’s a risk we’re willing to take to raise much needed funds for men’s health.
Photo from ‘a year or two ago’
This is definitely not limited to the men either – there’s other great (and potentially less embarrassing) ways to be involved and raise funds…so everyone is invited to join us! Please!!
To find out more and to join our team – or to donate – go here: https://
Because we are all competitive beasts, there will be prizes for the best (or should we say worst) mo’s from within the AFL South Coast footy community… help us out and support Men’s health and let’s have a bit of fun while we’re at it!
Join us (or donate) now!
We thank you for your support!
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