‘Shoosh for Kids’ returns in 2021

AFL NSW/ACT is proud to support the NSW Government Office of Sport initiative, Shoosh for Kids campaign.
Shoosh for Kids is a collaborative effort between the Office of Sport and state sporting bodies to promote positive sideline behaviour to their members, clubs and associations. The general rule for Shoosh for Kids is, ‘If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all’.
The purpose of the campaign is to support grassroots sports in providing positive environments for their members, whilst also addressing issues which arise from poor behaviour including abuse to officials and reduced volunteer numbers and participation rates due to poor experiences at a junior level.
Shoosh for Kids Awareness Month for winter sports will be held from 1 to 31 May 2021, however the campaign message is relevant all season long.
What your club can do to support Shoosh for Kids?
- – Download FREE resources to spread the campaign message
- – Share the message with your members (#shooshforkids) through your channels eg. website, email, social media, posters up at the ground
- – Help raise awareness of the importance of keeping kids sport focused on fun!
- – Do as much or as little as you want
Click here to download the Shoosh for Kids winter resources or for more information please visit the Shoosh for Kids website.
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