GIANTS Female Academy 2019

The Talent Program is running a Female GIANTS Academy program for girls aged 12-14 in term 3. This new initiative is to engage female players looking to improve their skills and get quality coaching from the GIANTS Coaches. The program is offered to any Youth girl player born in 2005, 2006 & 2007 (U12, U13 & U14).
Players of all ability and experience are welcome to participate in this program.
Please see below for the main information for the program along with the attached info;
Youth Girls GIANTS Academy 2019
Wednesday night’s 6-7:15pm
Start date: Wednesday 24th of July, end date Wednesday September 11
Phillip Oval, 8 Spoering Street Phillip ACT
Cost: $150
We have obtained quality coaches in Head coach as a Level 2 coach Britt Tully AFLW GWS GIANTS player, level 2 coach Amy Dwyer 1st grade women’s player and James McCormack former GIANTS Academy member.
Link to register:
Flyer 12s-14s YG Giants Academy Invites
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