Greater South Coast Region Structure Changes

Over recent months AFL NSW/ACT has taken the opportunity to review the optimal regional structure across NSW/ ACT with a particular focus on the greater South Coast region.
This review came off the back of the State Community Football Review undertaken last year, which identified a significant opportunity for growth and alignment across the broader region, and led to the recent integration and transition of AFL South Coast to an AFL NSW/ACT managed league.
After a thorough review of the greater region including Matt Graham’s increasing level of responsibility across the South Coast, AFL NSW/ ACT has decided to establish South Coast as its own dedicated region and restructure Matt’s responsibilities into the new role of Regional Manager – South Coast.
Effective immediately, Matt will now oversee the broader South Coast region encompassing Illawarra, Shoalhaven and the Sapphire Coast across all functions including game development, facilities and community football. As a result, all staff in the region will now directly report to Matt. In doing so, Matt will work with relevant stakeholders to ensure appropriate transition of the Regional Manager function.
This is a great outcome for the region as it provides genuine local ownership across the South Coast and again demonstrates AFL NSW/ACT’s commitment to the development of the region moving forward. This decision is also consistent with the 2017 State Community Football Review which identified the need to provide increased resourcing and support to the South Coast region, as well as AFL NSW/ACT’s strategic priority to ensure quality experiences across community football.